Clean Energy Consulting

With expertise in clean energy transaction and a focus on popular global markets, GoalFore provides research-based services in the whole process from scanning for market and project, internal approval, investment decision to the coordination of all involved parties.

PDR Transaction Consultancy

Specialized in Clean Energy Deals

Solar PV, Wind and Small-sized Hydro Power Plants

Armed with Precisely Matched Resources

High Quality PDR Resources to facilitate deals

Concentrated on Popular Regions

Southeast Asia, MENA and EU

Professional Support on Finance

Joint force with financial institutions to extend funding support

Financial Modeling Consultancy

Consultancy from a technical perspective: providing a life cycle estimation on generating capacity and fixing input conditions covering the cost of operation, EPC and other outside lines.

Consultancy from a financial perspective: fixing the critical input conditions covering finance, taxation, capital costs, providing full-system modeling services on comprehensive ROI, capital ROI, EVA and sensitivity analysis.

Feasibility Analysis

Analysis from investors’ view: rendering reports on the economic and technical feasibility and risks of target projects.

Assessments from financial institutions’ view: assessing the bankability and insurability from the perspectives of banks and Sinosure.

Whole Process Service

Devoted to providing underserved clients with a one-stop service integrating preliminary project information screening, internal project approval, due diligence, investment approval and preparation for approval process.

Supervising and coordinating service providers in various sectors including law, taxation, technology and EIA to address the deficiencies in the integration of all parties.
